Evaluation after week in France
Evaluation of the week
in France
Answers from parents
Answers from 19 students' parents out of 30
1. Would you say that this week was
a) Perfect 10
b) Very good 9
c) Good 2
d) Average 0
e) Not very good 1
f) Bad 0
2. Did you have any problems?
a) No 18
b) Yes 1 A Polish boy didn't want to speak with his partner and his family
3. Could you communicate with your child's partner?
a) Yes 17
b) No 2
4. Did he/she want to communicate?
a) Yes 15
b) No 4
5. Did you have any difficulties?
a) Yes 3 Communication, meals
b) No 16
6. According to you, what can be improved?
* 7 families answered that more time should be spent in families (including a week-end)
* Families should be given sentences in English to help them communicate with the partners
* We should give them more details about what the partners like / don't like to eat
7. Are you ready to host another young Europen?
a) Yes 19
b) No 0
Answers from students
1. How was the communication with your partner?
a) Very difficult 0
b) Difficult 5
c) Average 13
d) Easy 9
e) Very easy 2
f) I don’t know 0
2. Could you talk with your host family?
a) Never 0
b) Sometimes 4
c) Often 13
d) Very often 12
e) I don’t know 0
3. Could you talk with other students from France?
a) Never 1
b) Sometimes 4
c) Often 13
d) Very often 12
e) I don’t know 0
No answer: 1
4. Could you talk with other students from the other countries?
a) Never 3
b) Sometimes 12
c) Often 9
d) Very often 6
e) I don’t know 0
5. Did you find it difficult to speak English at the beginning of the week?
a) Very difficult 3
b) A bit difficult 7
c) Easy 12
d) Very easy 7
e) I don’t know 1
6. Did you find it difficult to speak English at the end of the week?
a) Very difficult 0
b) A bit difficult 2
c) Easy 10
d) Very easy 18
e) I don’t know 0
7. Have you been in contact with your partner since you’ve been back home?
a) Every day 5
b) Every week 12
c) Never 12
Sometimes 1
8. Have you been in contact with other persons?
a) Every day 8
b) Every week 1
c) Never 10
Sometimes 1
9. Do you intend to stay in contact with some people?
a) Yes 28
b) No 2
c) I don’t know 0
9’. If you answered “yes”, please precise with whom.
French people : 19 Spanish students : 10 German students : 3 Polish students : 1
10. Did you try to communicate in another language?
a) Yes 17
b) No 13
10’. If you answered yes, please precise what language(s).
French : 16 Spanish : 1 German : 4 Polish : 1 English: : 2 !!!!
11. After this week, do you think you’d like to learn one of these languages?
a) Yes 23
b) No 6
c) I don’t know 1
11’. If you answered yes, please precise what language(s).
French : 9 Spanish : 12 German : 3 Polish : 1 English: : 2 !!!!
12. What did you like in France?
Food: 5 People: 13 Activities: 19 Weather: 1 Landscapes: 3
13. What didn’t you like in France?
School food: 7 Visit of Nérac: 2 Lack of free time: 2 Parents who don't speak English: 1
14. Do you have anything else to tell us?
Nice week... Like the country...
Work and products
1. Were you satisfied with your own product on a famous person?
a) Yes 22
b) No 2
c) I don’t know 3
No answer: 3
2. Were you satisfied with the other students’ reactions about your work?
a) Yes 17
b) No 7
c) I don’t know 4
No answer: 2
3. Were you interested in other students’ products?
a) Yes 18
b) No 8
c) I don’t know 4
4. According to you and what you’ve seen, what can be improved in products?
Put subtitles on the films
5. Do you think you learnt something thanks to the others’ products?
a) Yes 18
b) No 9
c) I don’t know 3
6. Can you write the names of some famous persons from other countries which were introduced to you?
0 name: 8 1 name: 1 2 names: 7 3 names: 6 4 names and more: 8
1. Evaluate each of these activities from 0 (lowest) to 5 (higher). RESULTS = AVERAGE POINTS.
a) Bows and arrows: 4
b) Climbing in the trees: 4.5
c) Visit at the Jacobins’ Church: 3
d) Laser quest: 5
e) Orientation race in Mézin: 3.5
f) Visit of Nérac: 3.5
g) Disco: 5
2. Which of these activities did you really prefer? Can you explain why?
Laser: 25 Archery: 3 Tree climbing: 6 Disco: 10
Answers from teachers
1. Can you globally evaluate this week, on a scale from 0 (less) to 10 (most)?
Average: 8/10
2. According to you, which of these were successes during this week?
¨ Working together at school 5
¨ Visit of the school and activities with teachers 6
¨ Visit of Mézin 6
¨ Visit of Agen 1
¨ Visit of Nérac 6
¨ Outdoor activities 4
¨ Party for all partners 3
¨ Disco 5
¨ Time with families 3
¨ Other: ______________________
3. According to you, which of these might be improved?
¨ Working together at school 4
¨ Visit of the school and activities with teachers 2
¨ Visit of Mézin 0
¨ Visit of Agen 4
¨ Visit of Nérac 0
¨ Outdoor activities 2
¨ Party for all partners 0
¨ Disco 1
¨ Time with families 0
¨ Other: __________________
4. Can you explain why?
Teachers should work together
Polish people didn't like archery
We should have visited Bordeaux or Toulouse
Teachers should have attended language lessons
5. Can you explain how?
Presentations from the students lacked a serious work for some of them
The students didn't have time enough to present their products
6. Did you or your students have any difficulties during this week? Please explain.
Some were bored in the evening with families
7. After coming back home, did you find that your students:
¨ are more eager to learn foreign languages 5
¨ have improved their abilities in English 4
¨ have improved their communication abilities 5
¨ are more eager to learn at school. 0
¨ are more eager to learn about famous people. 0
¨ are willing to stay in contact with their French partners or friends. 5
¨ are willing to stay in contact with other countries’ partners. 6
¨ are willing to go back to France someday. 6
¨ other: _________
8. According to you, did we reach the aims of our project during this week?
¨ Yes 6
¨ No 0
¨ Partly, because _____________
9. Will you take part in a Comenius project again if you can?
¨ Yes 6
¨ No, because ______________ 0
10. Free remarks:
It was a nice week
The only real problem was the lack of work from students.