Our products
For our second meeting in France we decided to prepare the presentations about following famous Polish people
A short film about Maria Skłodowska-Curie (physicist and chemist) by Justyna Lis, Renata Drąg and Natalia Drąg with a little help their friends
(Alicja Solarz, Kinga Hornik, Weronika Pietrzak, Aleksandra Kowalczyk,
Daniel Szaflarski, Jakub Hornik)
PowerPoint presentation about Pope John Paul II
by Marianna Frasunek and Karolina Kubowicz
Translated film "Habemus Papam"
by Marianna Frasunek and Karolina Kubowicz
PowerPoint presentation about Frederic Chopin (composer and virtuoso pianist)
by Justyna Nowak and Izabela Mazgaj
Justyna Nowak as a television journalist is conducting an interview with Izabela Mazgaj in the role of Frederic Chopin:)
PowerPoint presentation about Adam Małysz (skijumper)
by Jakub Hornik, Michał Solarz and Dawid Kaletka
Our version:)
- Co to jest Comenius?
- Comenius
- Welcome to Kasina Wielka
- Our logo
- List of famous Polish people
- Audio Dictionary
- 1st Comenius meeting in Poland
- Video galery
- Evaluation
- Comenius in press
- 2nd Comenius meeting in France
- Video galery
- Our products
- Comenius in press
- Evaluation after week in France
- Before our next Comenius visit
- Some videos
- 3rd Comenius meeting in Germany
- Video galery
- Our products
- Comenius in Polish and German press
- Evaluation after week in Germany
- Promotion of Comenius in our school
- Christmas with Comenius and joyous Season's Greetings
- 4th Comenius meeting in Spain
- Our products
- Video galery
- Final evaluation
Nasza stara szkoła

Nauka to potęgi klucz

- Aktualności
- Galeria
- O nas
- Kontakt
- Erasmus+
- Comenius
- Dla nauczycieli
- Archiwum sport
- Klasy 1-3
- RAZEM MOŻEMY WIĘCEJ- "Kiedy śmieje się dziecko, śmieje się cały świat".
- Innowacje i projekty
- Świetlica
- Dla rodziców- dokumenty szkolne
- Pedagog szkolny
- Pedagog specjalny
- Biblioteka szkolna
- Sport
- Standardy ochrony małoletnich
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